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Member Since 17 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2016 11:04 AM

LSD gearboxes..

13 January 2016 - 07:15 AM

i think no one ever mention about this before..
i'm rebuilding my converted FWD
W5M322-WQWE box ..
do i need to fill it back with LSD OIL
or regular premium grade oil ..?
since its hard to get that LSD Diaqueen around here.


evo 1 no boost

07 December 2015 - 09:03 PM

wassup guys... just a quick Q
my E1 had a no start issues.. i manage to get it fix by rewiring 1 of the MPI relay with a aftermarket Bosch relay..
i also had a lot of oil in my intercooler charge pipes suspect the compressor seal worn of already.. but my real problem is no boost when i drive it.. even the turbo light on the dash wont lit..
is this because of the relay or the leaking turbo compressor wheel..?

4G63Tevo1 into 89 Mirage C53A

08 November 2015 - 04:54 PM

i know not many user out there will go along with this kinda conversion.. but to make story short..this is all iv got..
one empty 89 Mirage engine bay.. and one 4G63T from lancer evo1 RS cones with W5M332-WQWE transmission lying arounf..
(all wires,AFM & ECU included)

the hard part is i have no idea what mounts to use or do i have to custom made one ..?
the tranny has been 'locked' to run on 2WD..

any info or tips is highly appreciated...

need advice on starting a

24 October 2015 - 01:52 AM

the car been sleeping/hibernating in my garage for 2 years.. (since 2013) ..
tyres were flat out... battery dead.. not to mention the wonderfull smell of ol gas... phewww..
-got a new battery.. 10liter of fresh RON97 .. and an oil change..
any parts that i should change

fuel punp

23 October 2015 - 06:33 AM

a no start situation... no power to fuel pump... i try to rewired it from ignition switch with some bosch relay..
engine starts run fine.. EXCEPT..
no power at boost... lol
why.. ?