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Alox T

Alox T

Member Since 30 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2016 03:47 PM

Recaro Sport ( evo 9 ) will they fit?

14 December 2015 - 03:43 PM

Hello guys!


did anybody ever fitted Recaro Sport seats ( from Evo 9 in this case ) inside an RVR ? 



I need sport gear Wheel arches

01 December 2015 - 09:41 PM


 I would like to mount sport gear wheel arches on my very European Space Runner. does somebody has them for sale?  

they don't exist here in Europe.


Thanks ! 



Wheels Size

01 December 2015 - 06:56 PM

hello guys ! 


what do you think is the bigger wheels size ( for off road ) I can fit on the RVR, mine comes as standard with 185/70 R14 

I found this list http://www.automobil...runner_4x4.html but I would like something bigger 


I want to have more ground clearance and, as I realize there are no lift kits for this car. 


has anybody try or see something ? 


cheers !

Hello from an Italian living in GREECE

30 November 2015 - 01:22 PM

hello guys !
my name is Alessio, I live in Greece but I am italian.


I had several Mitsu and now I own an old 1995 Space Runner ( RVR ), 1.8 4wd . 


I am trying do modify it for a more Off Road attitude, like the RVR Sport Gear that I always wanted but was never available in Europe.