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Member Since 01 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2017 04:17 AM

In Topic: Haltech vs evo 7 ecu

11 January 2016 - 07:13 AM

8 and up can use flex sensor. My tuner has even made up a display to show a few different things.
So no need for haltech, just for flex sensor.


TME in NSW have got the Evo7 and 8th Gen VR4 ecus running with flex, using a chip that converts the signal to an input.

In Topic: Automatic Transmission Upgrades

04 January 2016 - 11:36 AM

Get a 2nd hand pinion planetary & I can weld it for you. I have 5 sets of the other planetary sets (3 inside the 4) in stock already welded.

Strength is fixable no prob. Slippage is a big deal with these as well. 3 clutch packs need plates modified like mine.

Also I have 9 kevlar clutches in mine. Why just make it stronger & put up with a bending/slipping box.

Going forged early this year to run 30-35psi to test my box. Then I'll know if it slips or breaks.



Have you welded yours? I know that the input ones need welding, but how do I know that is what caused my issue? Do they not just fail because the planets are weak?

In Topic: Intercooler Spray Setup

02 January 2016 - 01:53 AM

Oh, and I also fitted these sensors so I'll actually know if it works.


(no, that stupid gauge isn't mounted on my dash, I just plug it in it when experimenting.

It is really interesting to watch though, the hot side temp jumps immediately on boost, the cold side barely moves and just creeps up slowly.
But once the outlet side creeps too high, that's when you need the spray.

In Topic: Automatic Transmission Upgrades

01 January 2016 - 11:52 PM

I'm builing my own strong GTA auto box to see if I can break it.
I studied the inside & slippage marks on the steels & bending probs.
A lot of welding, 3 Extra clutches & a 2nd that can't bend like std.
Got my converter mob to beef up a converter & added 600-800 stall to it.
It's std take off stall should be 2900 to 3200.
Brake stall should be 4200 easy with my hybrid/7RS turbo.


I recently broke my automatic legnum's gearbox, the output planetary gears crumbled.
What can you do to strengthen those?

In Topic: Intercooler Spray Setup

01 January 2016 - 11:32 PM

I'm not sure what the OEM spray motor setup is on these cars, but maybe you could try boosting the voltage:


This was my attempt, ran a cheap supercheap auto washer spray motor at 24volts. It easily achieved a very fine mist, heaps more pressure than at 12V. This is with cheap plastic patio misting nozzles from ebay.

My positioning still needs more work though, was trying too hard for stealth behind the plate and hoped spray would blow back. Instead it hits the plate and drips.