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Cyborg Evolution

Cyborg Evolution

Member Since 13 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2016 07:59 AM

#326690 4G63Tevo1 into 89 Mirage C53A

Posted by Cyborg Evolution on 13 January 2016 - 12:34 PM

the mounts are very different from the original 4g61 setup, the evo engines mount off of the gear box for a start. and the passenger side mount is completely diff. you can custom make them to fit, the rear mount can isnt to hard, if you get the stock one off of a 4g61 that will bolt on. the gearbox one should be fair straight forward. the front again custom. the pass side one, i have modded the factory engine bracket behind the timing belt, to make the stock 4g61 mount fit.