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Member Since 15 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2016 07:19 AM

big shout out to aldo for his help

17 January 2016 - 08:16 PM

Hi guys im in the process of doing a auto conversion on my 91 vr4 galant. I never thought this mod was possible untill i meet aldo. What a legend and top all round guy to deal with. I am realy looking forward to fitting 1 of his autogear boxs and see if wee can set a new 1/8 mile record here in tassie.thanks aldo for answering my millons of questions and all the advice. Not long now and ill post time slips and pics.

hi from EVLVR4 and tassie

17 January 2016 - 02:03 AM

Hey guys my names scott i have a 91 vr4 aspec galant. Has a massive list of mods built engine,gtx3582r turbo custom mani and intercooler set up. Haltech ecu with haltech dash. Massive fuel system. Aws delete. Currently having rockabilly build me a auto. We currently drag race the car and power out put is 320kws and 724nm torque i will post pics when i can work out how to thanks for the add guys