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Member Since 15 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2016 05:37 PM

Shifter assembly spring

26 January 2016 - 08:43 PM

Hi Guys,
Replaced all the bushes in the shifter assembly which improved the gear change no end but still when its in gear it has alot of side to side movement. It looks like the spring is worn out. Anyone have experience with this ? I've taken a video of it .

New member Evo III

15 January 2016 - 09:49 PM

Hi guys,


Ive been reading here a bit the past few weeks and its a great resource, Im in Ireland and have a silver 95 Evo 3

Spec is

Evo 8 MR pistons

HKS cams

Stainless steel manifold

Kakimoto exhaust

Stainless steel rad

HKS Hard pipe kit

Cusco brake stopper

Mines ECU

K sport coilovers


I also have ae86 20v and ep71 in the shed

