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Member Since 22 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2018 02:05 PM

1997 RVR HSG Parting

21 June 2017 - 04:26 PM

Parting out a Mitsubishi RVR HGS (HyperGear Sport):

Parts remaining:

Doors (fronts, sliding and tailgate) $100 each
Seats $100 for both front and rear
Front guards, rear bumper and side skirts $150 for package or make offer on individual pieces
Bonnet $150
Interior trim $600
Spare wheel rack $300
Headlights $50 each
Taillights $100 for the lot


Will update this post with parts sold.

Please genuine interest and only serious offers will be considered. Thank you. Located in balgownie, nsw. Also please contact Jason on 0415428080 in regards to parts.