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Member Since 01 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2016 08:59 AM

In Topic: mitsubishi lancer ce gli (1996)

29 February 2016 - 01:07 PM

how many of you guys are in melbourne?

In Topic: mitsubishi lancer ce gli (1996)

18 February 2016 - 04:04 AM

yea thats what im thinking too

In Topic: mitsubishi lancer ce gli (1996)

18 February 2016 - 12:13 AM

it comes from the rears as it moves up and down over bumps

In Topic: mitsubishi lancer ce gli (1996)

17 February 2016 - 06:43 AM

and also the suspension has a clunking noise if anyone has any ideas

In Topic: mitsubishi lancer ce gli (1996)

17 February 2016 - 06:23 AM

i just undid the top little nuts and jiggled it around and that managed to fix it :)