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Member Since 03 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2016 04:50 PM

Reverse pops out - have my gearbox open right now

20 March 2016 - 11:17 AM

Hi everybody,


I've been reading a lot about the reverse popping out on early evo's, and I own a Lancer EVO II with the same problem.


- Reverse pops out, even if I come from 1st

- reverse doesn't pop out with handbrake, the boot is going up, but it doesn't pop out

- checked inside, at gear lever, no problems

- checked the cables, manually putted into reverse to be sure, it aren't the cables

- checked the reverse light on top of the gearbox

- even checked the poppet springs and bearings


Now, I am not a mechanics, but I really wanted to give al the TLC she deserves and having a bit of free time I decided to play the hero and open up the M/T case :)


- The reverse synchro looks good: http://imgur.com/VxcJzpb (the inner ring notches doesn't look quite well actually)

- The wave spring looks good too: http://imgur.com/dhwNPOz

- The key and spring looks good too: http://i.imgur.com/pJ9jZeR.jpg

- Internal seems good to me too: http://i.imgur.com/CxzFr7g.jpg


What's the next step :(


Thanks !

