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Member Since 11 Mar 2016
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2018 01:00 AM

GUMTREE SCAM - car guys beware...

01 March 2018 - 03:11 AM

Hi all,


I have to inform all of you of the gumtree scam happening now because I am one of you and I give a shit about others.


I am car guy and as you know most car guys are honest and above board but I almost got done..


I posted an add on gumtree , wanted a car part..


Same day got a msg of the guy claiming he had it.


Trust me , I am not a naïve person but these guys are good.


Typical aussie slang on the sms, mate this mate that etc


Sends me the photo of the part, looked like pic of the ebay website.


He said he is a mechanic at work etc etc At this point I am not really trusting him …


Anyway next day I asked him for the copy of the licence, he said he doesn’t have it, is the photo of his passport ok.


He sends me the pic of him holding the passport, name Daniel Falzon.


I am still not sure, then he calls me etc I couldn’t pick up so I thought sounds ok.


Gives me his ANZ bank account, again I am thinking gee you have to be legit to have an account ( found out later there are ways to get around it)


I was going to go to NZ to deposit $170 but I was busy so I send it through internet banking.


This was my luck as it takes 1-2 days to clear.


Next morning I had this funny feeling so I called him on 0435 143 978 , not picking up msg bank full….


Red flag


Called the bank and ask them stop the transfer / lodge a dispute with ANZ and most likely I will get it back.


Google his number , gee common gumtree scammer, stupid me.


If you are buying stuff by it face to face ,if you really have to do it my way ask him something as stupid.

As Copy of his licence with medicare card holding 3 fingers, if at least you don’t get that , do not risk it!!!


Any honest seller will not have an issue to do anything to show they are genuine.



