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Member Since 08 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active May 02 2019 04:52 PM

Driver side axle oil seal.

15 April 2019 - 12:37 PM

Any tips or tools on changing the hsgr gearbox driver side axle oil seal? Space constraint on the driver side, no access to hoist, just a few safety stands.

I've replaced the passenger side today it was much easier to get the new oil seal in.

Rad overflow blottle for rvr hsgr

12 April 2019 - 09:25 AM

Where can I purchase a hsgr radiator overflow bottle?

Mine has gone brittle/cracked. Anyone here is using an alu overflow bottle, maybe can share a pic or link where to get one.




0Follow this topic Part number for vr4 6 bolts rear main oil seal?

08 January 2019 - 01:12 AM

Does anyone have the part number for vr4 6 bolts rear main oil seal?


I have found that MD359158 it doesn't fit.

Part number for vr4 6 bolts rear main oil seal?

05 January 2019 - 09:26 AM

Does anyone have the Mitsubishi part number for vr4 6 bolts rear main oil seal?

It can be Kelpro, I seem to have purchased the wrong oil seal.



Oil dip stick for hsgr

15 November 2018 - 12:57 PM

Can anyone confirm RVR HSGR share the same oil dip stick with vr4 / evo123 / Rvr SSG?

Mine top bit broken off, can't find any at meek website and no luck on eBay. Where can I find one...