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Member Since 10 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2016 01:27 AM

CM5A GSR suspension

10 April 2016 - 07:54 AM

I've recently purchased a 96 CM5A Lancer GSR, unfortunately for my use, it has superlows on it and isn't road legal. In an attempt to find replacement springs, and a front left strut as it's gone, I've been bombarded with an influx of information regarding interchangeable parts between GSRs, Mirages, Liberos and Evos. Not all of which seem to be as compatible. Just when I find some information of what I should be looking for, I get told it's incorrect.




WHAT exactly in terms of a full set of springs and FRONT struts can be put on the CM5A GSR from other Mitsi models? Please only post replies if you're 100% sure, that's what I'm here for.


Thanks very much.