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Member Since 14 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2024 10:14 PM

In Topic: Idle issues

27 May 2017 - 10:23 AM

cheers man, hopefully i have it sorted now. Had a bit more of a look into it today and found that the seal that goes on the isc to seal it into the tb had perished and cracked so i replaced it. Re checked the resistance in the isc and tps. The isc was fine, since checking and setting up the tps a few weeks ago the 5k ohm resistance mesured slightly less at 4.76k ohm indicating there is possibly a problem there. Worked out that the catch can setup was breathing enough back into the intake to register as a leak. Removed the line from the can to the intake pipe and blocked it off. That seemed to cure the irradic idle along with replacing the isc seal. I think the biss still requires adjustment as the idle up on cold start is not working anymore. Tomorrow ill test the isc sequence and re test the evoscan setup for the isc. Im guessing the wiring for the isc is incorrect as the rpm doesnt really change from 800 rpm from cold start to operating temp. Or the tps is faulty and isnt registering as closed at idle. Might get a known good tps and test it with that too.

In Topic: Idle issues

26 May 2017 - 09:55 AM

So i followed the evoscan guide but it seems like it makes no difference when activated. Noting really changes. Idles slightly smoother with less fluctuation in idle but when i turn it back off it goes back to how it was. I plugged another isc into it and activated it just to see if the pintle moves when activated and it does but not far. I will start by checking if the isc wired in correctly tomorrow and try work out if the fiav if stuffed or not.

In Topic: Idle issues

25 May 2017 - 12:46 AM

Yea no worries. Ill see if i can work something out to test it. I suppose the only problem i will run into there is what pins complete each circuit for the step sequence from 1 to 4. Did you make yours up or purchase it from somewhere? Nah im in adelaide sorry, thanks for the offer tho. Ill have a play around with all the info you guys have given me and ill keep you updated on how i go

In Topic: Idle issues

24 May 2017 - 10:42 PM

Yea that sounds the same as what is happening with mine. Ill do a thorough look over everything tonight to check for any air leaks.

Ill pinch a timing light from work and set it up from start tonight or tomorrow and see how i go.

With the wiring i have just matched up the ecu pinouts from the e3 to the e7 ecu for the harness. Seems to have been working fine for a few months then all of a sudden it has started playing up. Sorry for the noob quiestions but unsure on how to verify the sequence?

Cheers for the info guys

In Topic: Idle issues

24 May 2017 - 11:21 AM

Yep already removed it and it is moving in and out.
Yea thats what i have kind of put it down to that the isc is fully adjusted so it cant control it. I reset the tps so i knew it was right to eliminate that problem.
Ill have a play around with the fiav tomorrow after work and let you know how i go. I have a feeling i have seen isc step on evoscan so ill look at that too