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Member Since 24 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2017 10:56 PM

In Topic: Cause I'm not bright and need a direct answer

30 April 2016 - 10:03 AM

yea whatever, im sure hes not going to cry him self to sleep tonight. speaking of sleep, last night i didnt, i spent so much time trawling through bullshit on all these different forums trying to figure out what i can do. i go ask a question and have to deal with people like brisvr4, a condescending F&*KWIT... then i ask a question about upgrading my axles without sending a couple grand to some american, and i get a "wow" "incredibly over complicated!" response.

i honestly feel like most people don't want to help, only to hinder. so yea once i post this i never intend to return to this site. 

i figure it out myself. *middle finger*


and just for the record i know that who that is too, if i were ever to take the car to sa id be goin to neat so no skin off my shoulders.

In Topic: Cause I'm not bright and need a direct answer

30 April 2016 - 09:20 AM

incase you cant comprehend what is written, the discussion had gravitated towards upgrading the rear axle.

cant wait to put my kaaz unit and e3 cv's in my diff and watch the rest of the driveline fall to pieces.

probs just gonna sell them

In Topic: Cause I'm not bright and need a direct answer

29 April 2016 - 06:03 PM

or how about this even, ive been having a good little suss and i ended up here


so if i have a 25o&22inner hub currently, and all the good shit is on 27 spline, get said axle from thread and shorten it or whatever to fit? then i could get my late evo hubs on the front with all the fancy shit that comes along with that. hoping to hear the DE3A option will work though. and why the f cant i find a set of fto abs hubs, i just want 3kgt brakes without brackets, all i get is ppl trying to flog off facelift gear ffs


n yea im that fuckwit brisvr4. i dunno, car had a 4 bolt when i got it, me not nowing what i was talking about plus being a noob that never took the cover off, assumed it was locked cause thats what everyone associates a 4 bolt with. i gave up on figuring out if a older housing fits, ordered a kaaz woo. but gosh doesnt the ralliart diff look similar.

and why do you guys allways leave the easy/pricey option till last haha

In Topic: Cause I'm not bright and need a direct answer

29 April 2016 - 05:00 PM

a DE3A rear hub wont work for me?

or stub axle to put it more simply?

In Topic: please welcome a decline in knowledge:member ratio

28 April 2016 - 10:30 PM

cheers think ive got my head around this one finally, 

appreciate your patitence