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Member Since 24 Apr 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2017 10:56 PM

#329482 Cause I'm not bright and need a direct answer

Posted by KEVEN on 28 April 2016 - 11:33 AM

haha no i dont intend to do that, brisvr4. ;) i know you, you've given me a hard time over on the US vr4 forum, sorry that i'm no good at searching through forums mate, and thanks for making me feel inclined to trawl through hundreds fo RE:'s until i figured out how to use their search properly in stead of some simple advice  :thumbsup: in regards to your condescending question, my galant has a Open 4 bolt rear diff, which are very rare to begin with. im not keen on modifying the cars original set of running gear either, so im not considering a vicious lsd insert as an option. even if i swapped my open diff for a 2g open diff, it would be somewhat justifiable as a "propper" 4ws delete. i guess it depends on your definition of wasting money, for me, having a factory, discontnued, spare diff for a car that is somewhat rare, which i want to maintain for years to come, doesnt register as a waste for me. :) also if somehow ive overlooked somthing like "all 2g's have a viscious"  dont hesitate to drop a hint, let me know where im going wrong.. but feel free to continue to laugh at me from a distance if you would like. one day ill be like some of you with a decade+ of experience with this car, when that day comes  and i see a kid who found the menace, old school vr4 with plenty of headaches, and has chosen to spend their $ trying to improve it, im going to do everything i can through here to help that guy. each to their own i guess buddy.

probably broke some forum policy with this post and i apologize.