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1 BAD C63A

1 BAD C63A

Member Since 01 May 2016
Offline Last Active May 29 2016 06:53 PM

In Topic: My 89 jspec vr4

10 May 2016 - 09:20 AM

Wicked bro, new to the forum, jus caught up on this build. Looking mean

In Topic: vr4 conversion into CB GSR

04 May 2016 - 07:43 AM

Man I had this very issue when putting mine in. Kiwi ingenuity....
1) heated and dropped the ring gear off the 61 flywheel and 63
2) had a spacer ring machined
3) heated and dropped both spacer and 61 ring gear onto the 63 flywheel
4) tig both onto the flywheel
Simon at Speedtech in Wellington NZ did mine in a couple days when I blew my old clutch on the 61. We put the vr flywheel and paddle clutch in but when he went to start it the motor wouldn't engage. He was puzzled but sorted it for me, have not been shy with dropping the clutch and have since replaced a clutch too and the fly wheel is mint.

Very happy with our solution. Have asked in other forums if anyone had this issue but never came across it.

In Topic: Wassaup from Akl NZ

04 May 2016 - 04:13 AM

Yeah I was getn worried I've pissed everyone off already.

In Topic: C63A from NZ

04 May 2016 - 03:53 AM

I'll second that!
It has a ziptie holding the shift light, that's over engineered IMO :P

Gee's sharp alright...yeah I had the boost and oil pressure on the dash with the mini shift lite on the boost guage. Thought it goes better there so I took the bracket off and cable tied it, took the lid off my turbo timer, was going to screw it in but got a bit technical. Might mount it the underside of the speedo/tach plastic surround. The little things...

Thanks for the feedback.

In Topic: Wassaup from Akl NZ

03 May 2016 - 06:43 AM

Yeah mate..no worries...your welcome.

Yeah thanks bro. Just put up a story in members rides. I was using image shack so looks like photo bucket is the way to go.

Your the man.
