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Member Since 05 May 2016
Offline Last Active May 13 2016 03:41 PM

In Topic: GSR 1993 rear spoiler LED

07 May 2016 - 10:39 PM

Sure do, 50aud shipped from North America.

In Topic: WTB: E2-3 Rear Fog Bulb Holder, Plug

07 May 2016 - 10:36 PM

I'm stripping mine, did you find one?

In Topic: Speaker covers for cc gsr

07 May 2016 - 10:27 PM

Hi, 50cad (52aud I think) & I can have these shipped to you. :) I saw you are needing more things. I have a complete evo interior if you want.

In Topic: EVO ECU Pinout & Colour Chart - COMPLETED

05 May 2016 - 11:45 AM

Hi friend, thank you for the reply. I am an evo enthusiast and am currently in the process of converting my cd9a to an all-out track car. This includes some motec gear like the pdm :)

As a separate question I was wondering what the purpose of mpi pin 7 is, I just opened the mpi and pin 7 appears to be connected directly to one of the relay internal coil.

In Topic: EVO ECU Pinout & Colour Chart - COMPLETED

05 May 2016 - 12:37 AM

Anyone doing any serious work regarding these ECU pinouts (engine converions, different computers, rewiring etc) also needs to know the pinouts of the main relay. It is called the "MFI Relay". It has 2 relays in it, one controling the fuel pump. The other sends power to the sensors, injector resistor, and the ECU. It is important to see a wiring diagram to see how the relay interacts with the ECU, pinouts are not always enough.

On some Mitsubishis, the fuel pump side of the relay is momentarialy powered by the starter signal while cranking. On the Evo I,II,III the starter signal is sent to the ECU. The ECU then decides when to activate the fuel pump relay (and it does this while cranking).

Not all Mitsubishi MFI relays are wired the same. The Evo I is a 8 pin connector and these are the pinouts.

MFI Relay:
1. to fuel pump Black/blue
2. sensor power Red
3. Main power to ECU, pins 12 & 25 on ECU
4. 12V power Black/yellow

5. fuel pump signal, from ECU pin 8
6. power signal, from ECU pin 38
7. Ignition and also pin 62 on ECU
8. 12V power Black/yellow



Hi all,


Sorry to revive an old thread. I am working on converting the car over to a Motec PDM. I am trying to replicate the MPI Relay with some logic to have it start on a Keypad without it.


Here is the startup sequence I've worked out so far. Please correct or input if you can.


1. ECU gets unswitched 12v @ pin 60

2. When key is moved to IGN, MPI Pin 7 goes high with ECU 62;

3. ECU 62 going high will initiate the bootup sequence;

4. Once booted, ECU will send pin 38 high, activating the first relay though MPI Pin 6;

5. MPI Pin 6 will power up the sensors etc.

6. When key is moved to Start, 12v is mechanically provided through the switch to both the starter solenoid wire and ECU pin 51

7. When ECU sees Pin 51 high, ECU sends pin 8 high, powering up MPI pin 5 and activating the second relay, which powers up the fuel pump.


I am quite unsure about the portion in bold. Can anyone substantiate this?