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Advanced Jap Auto Imports

Advanced Jap Auto Imports

Member Since 24 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active May 10 2013 06:23 AM

In Topic: Who knows what this is?

04 December 2006 - 05:53 PM

10 points for the first one who gets it right :)
(Townsville members who were at the track can be quiet as they know what it is :P )
(rob323 im looking at you :wink: )

Its RARE as, maybe 5 in Oz if that :)

lancer gsr

nealry puchased one in nagoya auctions a few months ago with 70,000km on ODO

changed my mind cbf translpanting all my running rear out of the sigma into one of them not sure if the vr4 engine and supra box will fit didnt wana dismantle the car and find out it wasnt gona work (fit)

In Topic: 450 -500 Hp ingredients

04 December 2006 - 05:48 PM

When i do my Vr-4 in my cordia i want it to be like no other, i dont want it to be a slow coach 14 - 15 second vr4 cordia, cos im going to twinnie i will want it to perform like its on steroids, Now cos its a vr4, there is unlimited aftermarket products and items for it to make serious power, but the thing is, where do i start.

My aim is around 450-500 hp vr4 in a Cordia.

My inteded specs of such work would involve on this vr4 woul;d be >

Head fully ported
Forged pistons
gt35 turbo
Oring head and block
My Zex nitrous system
25 psi

Power should equate to around 370kws.
With these basic items can i achive my goal, obviously a aftermarket computer wuill be involved as well as the necessary fuel bits like injectors, etc, also would the factory intake manifold be good enough for my hp figue, cos i see that there is fully custom replacfement intake manifolds.

Modifying a vr4 is like a kid in a candy store, where the hell do you start.

i can give you some money saving advice you dont need to o-ring your block and head just one will do bahahaha

In Topic: 450 -500 Hp ingredients

04 December 2006 - 05:44 PM

When i do my Vr-4 in my cordia i want it to be like no other, i dont want it to be a slow coach 14 - 15 second vr4 cordia, cos im going to twinnie i will want it to perform like its on steroids, Now cos its a vr4, there is unlimited aftermarket products and items for it to make serious power, but the thing is, where do i start.

My aim is around 450-500 hp vr4 in a Cordia.

My inteded specs of such work would involve on this vr4 woul;d be >

Head fully ported
Forged pistons
gt35 turbo
Oring head and block
My Zex nitrous system
25 psi

Power should equate to around 370kws.
With these basic items can i achive my goal, obviously a aftermarket computer wuill be involved as well as the necessary fuel bits like injectors, etc, also would the factory intake manifold be good enough for my hp figue, cos i see that there is fully custom replacfement intake manifolds.

Modifying a vr4 is like a kid in a candy store, where the hell do you start.

hang on a sec roger did i read correct , i must be dreaming i thought you didnt like vr4 engines what made you change your mind ???

i think you should stick to your 4g62 the vr4 engine might be tad to powerful for you we wouldnt want anything bad to happen to you i meen everyone on this forum would miss you dearly

In Topic: 4G63 into a Gemini Discussion

04 December 2006 - 05:31 PM

I'd use the starion box and make changes to the transmission tunnel to make it fit. Starion boxes are indestructible compared to other mitsu boxes and you can get 4.6 rear diff ratios if you really wanna go that high.

starion boxes dont bolt up to vr4 engines bro

starion uses a wide block

vr4 & evo 4g63's are a narrow block

maybe you can get your hands on a jap spec starion dash wide block engine and gearbox package jon

but they are hard to find these days seen one @ EKW a few years ago

In Topic: 4G63 into a Gemini Discussion

04 December 2006 - 05:17 PM

u guys ever hear of the BIMUBISHI???
4g63 beemer, he scrapped it due to the weak gearbox options and went for an SR20...

looked sweet though

yeah thats what i was thinking when i was reading the posts above

i'm sure he'd be more than willing to help jon

now known as bismo

dont even mention sr20's on this forum :x