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Member Since 11 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2019 10:16 AM

Flywheel/Clutch diameter differences?

13 May 2019 - 12:12 PM

Hi everyone,


I noticed there are a few different flywheel/clutch diameter options from FWD, to GSR, FTO, Evo etc etc.


What effect does this have to how the clutch feels or operates?

I assume that a larger flywheel/clutch combo means more bite without a heavy clutch?

4G93 TD05 16G boost threshold

20 February 2019 - 12:45 PM

Hi everyone,


Does anyone know at what rpm would a TD05 16G start making usable boost on a mostly standard 4G93T?

4G93 Vs 4G63 Engine Weight

13 February 2019 - 10:01 AM

Hi guys,


Does anyone know the difference in weight before the 93 and 63?


Ideally for the Evo 4-6 shape.

4G93 Vs 4G63 turbo spooling

02 February 2019 - 01:04 AM

Hi everyone,


I have a CE coupe which I take to Winton for fun.


It currently has an FTO V6 in it so performance is adequate but as I am interested in handling I think it may be a disadvantage to have it due to weight at the front.


I have toyed with the idea of going 4 cylinder turbo, specifically the 4G93T from a CM5A.


Just wondering how well do these engines spool turbos up?
I am not interested in huge power (200kw at the front wheels is more than enough and will likely only run about 170-180kw) but good response is important.

So, an Evo 5 4G63 will likely make 200kw at the front wheels on the stock turbo and hit full boost by 3,000rpm (I assume?).

What would a 4G93T need as far as rpm to spool that same turbo to make the same power?

I understand the 1.8 will need more boost and likely cannot handle that power with a stock bottom end but the thing I am trying to figure out here is purely how much extra lag will the 1.8 have to gain the same type of performance as the 2.0.


Reasons I would like to avoid a 4G63 are primarily weight, cost, and of course complexity of installation.