Cleaned the contacts and re soldered the joints and got the mirrors adjusting properly.
Then the second problem was the mirrors were not folding in, first of all check the switch was putting out the correct voltage which it was so found the control box for it, now I was getting 12v to the correct pins when I was supposed to and had good 12v and earth to the box but no out put to the mirrors so I pulled the box apart to check out what was inside it, first off I though one of the tracks was burnt out but they all tested fine then I noticed one of the capacitors had blown it's ass out, so Un soldered it and new one back in its place, put it back in the car and now working 100%
And here's a couple of pics with the new cap in place. Little black capacitor on the top right of the board, about 20c to buy.
And all back together
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