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Member Since 02 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2014 11:56 PM

#304914 Evo II GSR

Posted by GSRWRC on 27 July 2014 - 12:43 AM

Well, some of you may know that I abandoned and sold off pretty much everything from this project over summer. The sum of which allowed me to upgrade some of my camera gear, and purchase the below vehicle which will receive some love in the near future :)


13417601504_5cec3302ef_z.jpgEskie-2 by GSRWRC, on Flickr

#304913 EVO00X - Evolved AWD Coupe

Posted by GSRWRC on 27 July 2014 - 12:36 AM

Mean.  :cool:

#284458 Wastegate yay or nay?

Posted by GSRWRC on 11 September 2013 - 06:37 AM

Disagree with above. No Electronic Boost controller will cure boost creeping due to inadequate internal wastegate size/flow control. Something as simple as the increase in turbine flow from a 3" exhaust added onto the back of a TD05H will often cause it to no longer be able to keep up.

If your factory internal wastegate is failing to divert enough gas from the turbine wheel once you have reached your desired boost level either running a boost controller or not, then an external wastegate could be an option to cure it. Externals have the benefit of being larger to be able to bleed off more gas, the diaphragms are larger allowing it to more accurately actuate the valve and finally assuming you have plumbed it back in further down the line, there's an added benefit of not having merging gas flows right next to the turbine wheel in the O2 housing - which improves response due to less turbulence.

#279362 Wtac 2013

Posted by GSRWRC on 29 June 2013 - 09:37 AM

I'm thinking about hopping the ditch for the weekend to have a look.

#276400 lowering, why is front gaurd gap huge?!?!

Posted by GSRWRC on 07 May 2013 - 08:43 AM

Thankfully "HellaFlush" wasn't a consideration when designing a Group A/N rally car :)

#273667 Recaro, bride or sparco!

Posted by GSRWRC on 25 March 2013 - 05:38 AM

Rather the buying by brand, try sitting in some before you blow your money.

#271777 Another turbo question...

Posted by GSRWRC on 22 February 2013 - 06:34 AM


1. The spool time 14B vs 16G is negligable, in fact the compressors have only a very small impact on spool time in the case of TD05H 14B vs TD05H 16G. I was getting 17psi by 3800rpm on mine and if that constitutes a laggy setup then you have unrealistic expectations. If your setup is spooling later than this then your setup is shit! People are getting full boost at 5krpm? WTF? Unless "Full boost" is 25psi... HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO FUCK IT UP THAT BAD?

2. 6cm vs 7cm = fuck all difference. All you're going to do is hurt top end (which seems counterproductive to upgrading a turbo)

3. The TD04L 13G has a 5cm housing, not 6cm.

4. A 14B or 16G wheel cannot go onto a TD04L turbine/shaft

5. A 20G can fit inside a TD05H 16G cover, but even a TD06 cover will not have clearance issues (I ran a modified Toyota CT26 cover on my setup which is TD06 sized and fitted fine)

People seem to have this bizarre reaction to 16Gs vs 14B thinking OMG 16G = LAG! No one seems to think for 2 secs about the fact they have the same fucking exhaust wheel, and because of this, they respond very similarly. How a turbo responds is largely dictated by the exhaust wheel and only to a much lesser degree the compressor. Save the 6cm TD05H 14Bs for the 4G61T guys, there are guys out there with perfectly streetable GT30 sized turbos out there on 2Ls, suck it up and get the 7cm TD05H 16G or stay with the TD04L 13G if you're scared it's gonna be laggy, then crawl back into bed and wait for mummy to tuck you in and read you a bedtime story.

#271200 I hate fidanza cam gears!!

Posted by GSRWRC on 11 February 2013 - 02:45 AM

I replace mine with grade 12.9 steel capscrews. Not pretty, but do the job!

#269154 Evo II GSR

Posted by GSRWRC on 04 January 2013 - 10:12 AM

Couldn't help myself :D

Posted Image

#269013 Evo II GSR

Posted by GSRWRC on 31 December 2012 - 06:50 AM

Geez, how many attempts to make the photo the right way up :lol:

thats a big difference , should pull hard with that setup

Yeah, i'm hoping this in conjunction with the t/s Evo X housing is gonna be a demon combo.

#268835 Evo III... let's go a little crazy!

Posted by GSRWRC on 27 December 2012 - 07:03 AM

Nice, early Evos really sit great on TE37s. Looking good!

#268581 Evo II GSR

Posted by GSRWRC on 20 December 2012 - 10:29 PM

Bogan Santa arrived early on his Matte black Sleigh(er) with AC/DC turned up to eleven. He hopped out, slammed the door and screamed

"Jarred! Get your ass out here, I've got your 20mm Whiteline rear fuckin' sway bar you useless C$NT!"

He then returned to his Sleigh(er), did a skid while giving me the finger and yelled

"Merry Christmas to me, the rest of you c$nts can get fucked!"

Attached Thumbnails

  • image.jpg

#268178 Evo II GSR

Posted by GSRWRC on 12 December 2012 - 04:05 AM

Decided on the 73mm HTA Green despite the extra $300US, the FP Red spec 76mm compressor on the Green XL is probably a bit large for the Greens 65mm TD06H4 turbine. A good turbo for the $$, just not as well balanced as the 73mm Green.

Hopefully Bogan Santa will pay a visit before Christmas :)

#267709 Show us your pic's thread.

Posted by GSRWRC on 01 December 2012 - 07:07 AM

A few recents:

Posted Image
Stonehenge by GSRWRC, on Flickr

Posted Image
Meerkat (Medium) by GSRWRC, on Flickr

Posted Image
FDW by GSRWRC, on Flickr

Posted Image
Te Mata Bay by GSRWRC, on Flickr

#257698 Best turbo upgrade?

Posted by GSRWRC on 17 June 2012 - 02:05 AM

It'll be a TD04L 13G

I'll keep banging my head against this Evo I/II "small 16G" myth for years, ALL Evo I-III TD05Hs are BIG 16G 68mm compressors. The Evo I/II 16Gs are good, the Evo III 16G6 is slightly better - mainly due to a lighter compressor wheel and a better exhaust housing design/material.