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Member Since 09 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Aug 09 2016 02:07 AM

New EVO 7 buyer/Introduction

09 August 2016 - 01:38 AM

Hey guys! Sorry if this is in the wrong section I guess it's kind of a techincal post and an introduction....


I have been modifying cars for near on 12 years now starting with the s-chassis in my 180sx back in 2002 all the way through to VW R32 Golfs. I have been import free for a while now after purchasing my house and have decided to purchase the car that intrigued me through my highschool era being the Mitsubishi Evolution VII.


I have RAPED the forums for information and talked to as many people as I possibly can for first time buyer information but I thought I would just put the feelers out on some of the recommended forums as a final safeguard before buying.


Ive chosen the Evo 7 primarily because of the 5 speed box and the price. If money wasn't an issue I would purchase a gray Evo 8 MR and do a 5 speed conversion hands down but the 30k price tag for the MR and it's age doesn't seem worth it IMO. My main concerns before pulling the trigger on a sale is whether or not the kilometers are genuine and whether there are any other major things I can look for when inspecting. Im from QLD and most seem to be for sale in NSW. I will post a link of the one I am interested in and it would be greatly appreciated if anything that doesn't look savvy could be pointed out along with where I could ask the seller to have the car inspected before purchase!


Nice to meet everyone and I look forward to actively contributing in the future. Sorry again if in the wrong section.


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