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GSR 1.8t

GSR 1.8t

Member Since 15 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2016 09:38 AM

In Topic: 4g63 into CC GSR AWD Questions.

01 September 2016 - 11:42 AM

Most are 20 + years old now. You cant expect them to have low km being that old.

True.. I've seen a couple not long ago around 170 000kms. I would have grabbed one if i was ready to do the upgrade.. Now i'm seeing them with numbers like 250 000kms on them. Better off buying one thats been rebuilt but they go for 3 - 4k on Gumtree. At the same time i could buy a 1.8 thats been rebuilt & forged for around 2k... they've most likely been flogged though. Decisions decisions..