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GSR 1.8t

GSR 1.8t

Member Since 15 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2016 09:38 AM

4g63 into CC GSR AWD Questions.

01 September 2016 - 09:10 AM

Hi there guys i've had enough of the 4g93t and i'm not spending $6000 to forge it. 


I'm looking for a EVO or VR4 4g63t for my CC GSR AWD but not sure where i can find one. I've see some on Gumtree often but there not in the best condition and they have many km's on them... Does anyone know who sells them that are in good condition and have decent km's? 


Also does anyone know how much HP/KW the 2L can handle without Forging it? I'm not planning on rebuilding it. I'm hoping to get around 350hp out of the 2L and runs 11s down the 1/4 without a forged pistons.

