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Member Since 17 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2017 07:17 AM

Timing Belt and Water Pump Torque Specs

16 April 2017 - 02:33 AM

Hi all,


Just spending a quiet weekend changing the timing belt and water pump on my 2002 Airtrek Turbo (4G63T), and can't for the life of me find anywhere the torque specs for reinstalling the  hydraulic tensioner pulley, idler pulley, camshaft sprockets, harmonic balancer bolt and water pump bolts.


Can anyone help me with where to look, or even for a Japanese workshop manual?




An Airtrek in Auckland

06 November 2016 - 03:48 AM

Hello all,


A long-time Legnum driver, I'm now getting used to my new car, a 2002 Airtrek Turbo.


Attached File  IMG_2008 (1).JPG   144.68KB   142 downloads


I haven't done a lot to it yet - it's just ticked over 80,000km. So far all I've done is an oil and filter change and a new set of spark plugs, as well as replaced the dash surrounding the clock, and the door armrest inserts to a nice blue colour.


Attached File  IMG_2321.JPG   150.22KB   142 downloads


Now comes time to learn all I can do with a 4G63! I'm keen to get into ECU reflashing and remapping, but haven't had any experience yet.