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Member Since 28 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2022 03:18 AM

In Topic: Evolution Torque Specs

12 December 2017 - 11:12 AM

Wow if the rear diff bearing caps really need 150ft-lbs then mine were loose, I was able to crack all mine with a bit of a hit from my palm against the wratchet.

In Topic: rear diff ratio?

12 December 2017 - 11:09 AM

I have couple of 3.909 plate lsd here in Western Australia tat have come out of wrecks. I’m pretty sure they would be too heavy for post. If you get desperate we might be able to figure out another shipping method.

I appreciate it man, I had mine apart tonight and it looks like it may just need some new bearings though. I want to disassemble the actual diff itself and see how the spider gears are inside and if they are destroyed or not cause otherwise I don't know where the metal shavings are coming from unless my bearings just gave out.

In Topic: rear diff ratio?

09 December 2017 - 03:00 AM

Check yours before you buy one.


yea I am going to but it locked up on me the other night and when I drained the fluid it was a constant stream of silver and flake so im pretty sure there is some damage.

In Topic: rear diff ratio?

08 December 2017 - 01:14 PM

Ok thanks guys guess I need to keep my eyes peeled for a diff.

In Topic: Evo 1 stock boost/fuel cut

13 November 2017 - 02:15 PM

Romeo if I worked the hours you worked I'd be able to see my car every day but that's not the case. Camp life doesn't allow for me to be home much so I asked for help. If it's an easy job I'll take the 3 peoples word for it.