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Member Since 31 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2010 11:42 PM

ARE Intercooler and EVO 1 Interior

08 May 2009 - 11:38 AM


ITEM: ARE HOT CHILLIE Intercooler, Core is 600x300x76.
DESCRIPTION: New and unused. 2 1/2" inlet/outlet, Tube and fin.
REASON: Wrecking unfinished EVO 1 project. Many other parts available.
LOCATION: Port Macquarie NSW
PRICE: $350 plus postage.

Also have full EVO 1 Interior. Seats, door trims, dash, console with unbroken lid. etc
Good condition.
$1000 ono. Plus postage.
Will take some pics tomorrow when in better light.

Posted Image

Contact via PM.

K Sport Coilovers.

22 February 2009 - 09:50 AM

K Sport coilovers.
As new, fitted to car but never driven.
Located in Port Macquarie, NSW
Suit EVO 2 & 3 or EVO 1 with 2 or 3 control arms and stabalizer bar.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Wrecking EVO 1

22 February 2009 - 06:29 AM

EVO 1, 2 & 3 bits.
Located in Port Macquarie NSW.
Buyer to pay postage.
Many other bits available.
Will add to post as the parts are removed from car.
Posted Image

EVO 2 ECU $150
Window Switches $50 (All 4)
Instument Cluster $50 (Including surround)
Glove box $15
Driver side lower dash trim $15
Blinker & wiper thingo $20
Steering column cover $15
PM me if interested in any other parts.

FS HKS 2835Pros turbo

09 February 2009 - 07:29 AM

Item(s) for sale: HKS 2835 Pro S Turbo. New in box.
Price or Offer Range: $1,600 ONO.
Information: New in box, only trial fitted. 56 trim, T3 flange, Internal gate, 1.2 bar actuator included, .68 rear housing, 80mm anti surge inlet.
Location: Port Macquarie, NSW.
Contact Details: PM.
Terms: Will post at buyers expence or can pick up.
Photos: Posted Image

VR4 parts wanted

04 October 2008 - 09:51 AM

Have 89 jspec vr4. Looking for
Air con vents passenger and drivers
Dimmer switch
Passenger fog light or both
Grille (chrome)


Can mods move this to for sale and wanted please?