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Member Since 08 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2021 09:55 PM

#340713 Trucked RVR?

Posted by CAM280 on 20 March 2018 - 04:09 AM

Why not cut the back roof off and turn it into a ute? Could look like a beefed up Proton Jumbuck.

#340551 Boden's RVR HSGR

Posted by CAM280 on 25 February 2018 - 08:25 AM

Cursed is the operative word 😂😘😘

#340542 Boden's RVR HSGR

Posted by CAM280 on 25 February 2018 - 07:32 AM

So get me up to speed if you will; bought an RVR off an old bus driver who never boosted 😂 Followed by you feeling some psi then not 😩 Then getting bugalugs who has had a tormentuous epic adventure, to put another engine and then feeling psi again blowing that engine, classic, I'm getting the feeling that Taz wants everyone to go through what he has gone through? Just saying 😂😂😂😂😘😘😘😘💩💩💩💩💩😳😳😳😳😳

#340503 6 bolt swap into HSGR

Posted by CAM280 on 22 February 2018 - 06:59 PM

Just rebuild your engine. 

#340496 Boden's RVR HSGR

Posted by CAM280 on 22 February 2018 - 09:04 AM

I nearly bought that car but had no room for it plus I was just trying to pretend I didn't already have one in the driveway for the last 3 years wanting my attention. I did like the idea of a manual but I'm determined to make lemonade out of my auto which I've finally got going again. Hope to catch up one day on the street.

#340492 Slippery dip?

Posted by CAM280 on 21 February 2018 - 11:34 AM

But wait there's more then for some weird idea possibly transmission fluid fumes I thought the sun gear floated in the planetary so I didn't put the bearing in and wow it grinded to a halt but I replaced those parts because I got a couple of spares 😂 and woohoo I've done my apprenticeship on the W4A33 tranny.

#340374 Slippery dip?

Posted by CAM280 on 10 February 2018 - 11:01 AM

So I started again and found out i never put a seal in under the seal that blew out go figure. A few minor adjustments and im all good but it will be a while before I trust my little beast. I guess I was that guy after all  :wacko:

#339445 RVR HSGR - Maverick Jr

Posted by CAM280 on 19 November 2017 - 06:19 AM

Sorry I forgot to turn the page I got up to expect shit to go wrong then fell asleep. That's an epic journey man and a fucking wad load of cash!

I don't run into problem as much as creating them! I remember a few years ago when I got mine, didn't know squat but with time and many mistakes mine is still on stumps in the backyard. One of the first mistakes I made was leaving a ratchet in the crank and turning it over after I did my first timing belt change.... panic mode thought I bent a valve. But after taking the head off I realised that I didn't but hey while I've got the head might as well do a valve job and then hey why not pull the engine out and put new bearings in and after 3 safety certificates why not rebuild the tranny and now all it does is go in reverse 😂🎉😂

#339437 SPOTTED!

Posted by CAM280 on 18 November 2017 - 06:32 AM

Spotted my RVR still on stumps going on 2 years 😂

#335860 Who needs a W4A33 Gasket kit ?

Posted by CAM280 on 23 February 2017 - 03:51 AM


#333867 Fuel economy

Posted by CAM280 on 26 October 2016 - 11:10 AM

Im happy to report, I got 450km to a tank. Thanks Jafro for helping me rebuild, its the little things i guess, like deburring the ports and giving them a polish, reseating valves, opening the oil galleries with a sand and polish, ARP studs, new filters and grommets for the injectors, new thermo, seals e.t.c

Not that i'm after a fuel efficient car, but when I bought it... i was getting roughly 300km. Thats just crazy! I reckon 10ltr/100km is fair enough.