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Member Since 19 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2016 05:14 PM

4g92 SOHC parts compatibility help

19 October 2016 - 01:24 AM

Hello 4gtuner


Great forum, love the diversity here.


I took a look at the workshop manual and the parts list in this forum but i still want to confirm something before i begin to restore my old,

Mitsuishi Lancer 2000 GLX 4d sedan.(ck4a)

4g92 SOHC engine 1.6L  EFI 4 cyl,





My question is:

Which other Mitsubishi models ( Mirage, Colt, Galant for example) parts are compatible with my engine?


For example can i use ignition coils from a mirage 1.8 (USDM) on my lancer 1.6?

same goes for TPS, MAF O2 sensor and other parts.


I'm looking for easy way to order parts from ebay.

finding exact parts for my car is hard unless im overlooking something.


If there's a specific website that would be awesome.


Thanks again,

I know i sound like a noob but please help.


If a topic like this already exist , i apologize and would like to check it out.