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Member Since 27 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2017 04:09 PM

4G93 block with 4G92 Mivec pistons

30 January 2017 - 03:11 PM

Hi all,


Looking to increase CR on my mirage. Currently on SOHC 4G92 head & 4G93 block with Toyota 4AG-ZE low compression pistons. Previous owner's plan was to turbo the car but dint get around to do it. I would like to keep it as NA and planning to bring CR to 10.5/11:1, RON 97 with Unichip piggyback. 


1 - Will I be able to fit in 4G92 Mivec pistons to my 4G93 block with ease? Will the pistons be able to clear and not knock into the valves? 

2 - Will I have to skim the block?

3 - What thickness of gasket to use?

4 - How about timing belt? 




OEM Wheel Stud Length?

27 October 2016 - 12:04 PM

Hi guys,


I'm Ben from Singapore with a 92 Mirage. I just bought a set of SSR Type Cs but the offset is wrong and I'll need some 10mm spacers & extended wheel studs. Anyone knows what is the length of the OEM wheel studs on the Evo 3 wheel hubs? Also, will these fit? http://arp-bolts.com...php?RecordID=77


Best Regards,
