Hi guys.
My Tacho issues continue.
I think I have a faulty / intermittent ignition module.
I traced the white & black wire from the module to the dash (no breaks in any wires) but my tacho is still not functioning correctly.
Sometimes it works, sometimes not (more on the not side)
I purchased another complete WORKING dash ( I saw it working) yet I have the same issues.
I have set my multi meter to V~ 200, probed the WHITE module wire (red on meter and black on negative battery) and I was getting a reading of 01.2 to 01.3 on a cold engine (idling high of course) and it increased with engine revs and lowered to 00.8 at idle when engine was warm.
It seemed to be correctly showing my rpm.
I switched it off, called my son out to show him, started it up and it was all good.
Switched it off again and put the dash back in and the tacho wasn't working.
Now my reading is only 00.4 on idle, with or without the dash installed.
I did get a 00.8 at times but just a quick flicker, nothing constant.
The Black/white (VB switched 12v) is showing 13.5 v at idle and 12.45 with ignition on only so it's not a lack of voltage.
It seems the trigger inputs are only reading half of the expected rpm which isn't enough for the tacho to function.
I'm off to purchase a cheap Tacho from from Supercheap and see if that works.. if I find one cheap enough ...
I'll let you know the results.