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Member Since 26 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Jul 11 2020 02:48 AM

Satria fuel sending unit

09 July 2017 - 10:10 AM

Hi guys

I have an issue with my fuel sending unit in my 2001 Satria GTi

My fuel gauge isn't working correctly and I suspect the sending unit.

Reason being that when I replaced the fuel pump I noticed some rust forming inside the tank which I have had cleaned out.

This vehicle sat for a year without use with hardly any fuel in it.

My guess is that the sender unit is contaminated and needs some cleaning etc.

Does anyone know what ohms reading I should be getting from empty to full ?


2001 Proton Satria GTi engine problem

26 November 2016 - 07:17 AM

Hi guys.

I have an issue with my daughters GTi ... 

Cars been sitting for a while (few months while away).

Put a new battery in coz it died from no use, anyway, drove it around for a few days and all is fine until out of the blue it started spluttering like it was out of fuel, topped it up and off we went and all was fine for 10 minutes or so, then it spluttered again, and again etc etc... like you briefly shorted out 2 plugs or something ..

It's like a flat spot or blockage on a carburetor vehicle, it will accelerate then die for a second then accelerate and die.

Days later and the problem has gotten much worse now, you can hardly take off from a stand still, slip the clutch it will start to rev then die.

It also only starts at random now, turn the key and it will ONLY JUST idle and run but very rough,sometimes it will start and idle beautifully then next time it wont start.

I can't give throttle anymore, if I do it dies, sometimes I can increase the revs very slowly but then it dies sounding like its flooding.

If you give it a quick blip on the throttle it just goes bluuurh and sucks hard through the aircleaner and dies.

I've been thinking a lack of fuel, like its starving, so I disconnected the fuel supply from the injector rail and turn on the ignition, no fuel pumping (I thought they had an electric fuel pump ?) the only time it will pump fuel is when I actually crank the engine to start it, then fuel flows, but only if I keep it cranking..

Does this sound right, shouldn't the fuel flow when the ignition is turned on, not only when it's cranking.

Seems wrong to me as when you let the key spring back to ignition from cranking the pump stops.

Am I missing something here or is this normal ?

I've also pushed the fuel line back into the rail, cranked it over a few times to fill the rail then pulled the fuel line out of the rail expecting fuel to squirt out from the pressure but it only drips out, hardly any fuel and no pressure at all.

Then, I thought maybe it was just running straight back through the fuel return pipe so I disconnected that to see if it was and nothing is flowing back at all so to me I should have pressure in the rail.

Any ideas guys, or am I looking at the wrong area, could it be coil packs or leads or something..

Any help would be much appreciated.


By the way the engine light is NOT coming on to indicate any issues so I doubt diagnostics will help, then again I'm probably wrong ..

Also, the Tacho hasn't worked for ages but every now and then it will, but it's very random ... Just a FYI 

Looking forward to some suggestions ...