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Member Since 01 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active May 13 2017 03:35 PM

Hello from Thailand

02 December 2016 - 04:45 AM

I am a brit living full time in Thailand


I drive a Lancer cs3a m/t with a 4g18 engine, standard now but I would like to increase the power of my car.


I have not decided if I will boost my existing 4g18 or look into a swap maybe with a 4g93 turbo. 


I would prefer to keep my Manual gearbox. (F5M411). Any advise abould boosting my 4g18 and compatibility with other 4g engines and my gearbox would be most welcome


I would also be looking to upgrade the brakes, suspension and wheels, but want to keep the overall look fairly standard.



I have always been a petrolhead and my last car in the UK was a chipped Audi TT but this type of car in Thailand is not affordable due to tax.



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