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Member Since 02 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2017 04:32 AM

In Topic: How many BHP can our auto gearbox handles

16 December 2016 - 06:57 PM

These are auto boxes for non-turbo engines. I have one, but I'm using it for the final drive gears only.........the rest is junk. They are weaker than the W4A33 boxes, that's why we don't used them for anything except the gears.


You might get lucky for a while and have it hold together, but there is a reason the turbo models run the 33.


What are your plans for the car  power wise? Are you planning on running a stock 4g63t or boosting your 4g64?

I'd be content with 200-300 HP (That's a big range, I know) Is it more economical boost the 64 or just go for a 63t swap? Either way it sounds like I'd need a new tranny to handle the power, right?

In Topic: How many BHP can our auto gearbox handles

14 December 2016 - 08:12 AM

I'm running the W4A32

In Topic: How many BHP can our auto gearbox handles

14 December 2016 - 05:00 AM

Did you check the date of the post? Its more than 5 years ago?

Yes, I know but all the info is new to me :)

In Topic: How many BHP can our auto gearbox handles

14 December 2016 - 04:39 AM

I did buy a TD05 16G but was taken off my car before I set out for test run
The current TD04-15 turbo is not giving me enough acceleration after 4Krpm so I do rillly wanna try Td05
Since mine is AT still not yet decide how much boost I can run with that turbo
Scared to break the gearbox since it is so hard to find replacement parts
Any ideas?

Have you found any solution? I would like to upgrade my engine, but still have the stock auto transmission as well.

In Topic: What is the HSGR ride height?

02 December 2016 - 04:47 AM

I'm running evo 8 coilovers on the front. R31 skyline rear struts, custom made rear springs & custom made adjustable 22mm rear sway bar. Car handles beautifully now, almost on par with my evo 6 but slightly more comfortable.

Sounds good. How much lower is it? Any problems with rubbing/ clearance?

I'd like to see pics of the sway bar setup.