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Member Since 06 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 15 2017 09:11 PM

RVR HSGR?? Anyone recognize this car?

15 February 2017 - 10:19 AM

Hi everyone. New to the forum. Last month I bought a RVR and trying to track down its model/ possible seeedy history. I think it's a 1997 HSGR since it has the recaros, folding rear seats ect, however it has side steps and two tone paint which I did not think were fitted to a HSGR. I've attached some photos in case anyone recognizes it. Bought on the Gold Coast but previous owner was from Byron/Lismore way. Has a sticker bombed center console + sub in the boot but apart from that interior is immaculate and looks fairly stock. KM's approx 150k imported 2008. Thanks Attached File  IMG_6743.JPG   112.46KB   99 downloads