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Muddy Puddy

Muddy Puddy

Member Since 06 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2017 10:38 PM

In Topic: RVR Transfer case Ratio

06 January 2017 - 04:37 PM

My RVR Manual transmission (turbo) is a 3.909. 

In Topic: hsg rear lsd to fit in standard sg?

06 January 2017 - 04:11 PM

I have trouble with my RVR SporGear Manual (Not Automatic). Am talking about the Transfere Case and SG Diff; gearbox is OK. I've replaced the Diff and Transfere case but the ratio seem different although I got them from tha same car. I've discovered that mine is a CEA 3.909 Diff and I've fitted a wrong one. Now that I've got a CEA 3.909 in hand; am gonna change the Diff with same I had CEA 3.909. Would it be OK if I leave the transfer case which I got paired with the wrong one I fitted as I could not find the transfere case from same car I got the CEA 3.909. In simple question (Smiles) if the gearbox is same as the CEA 3.909 Diff; can I fit any Transfer case from another different Mannual RVR SportGear car. Thank In Advance.