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Member Since 28 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2018 05:14 AM

In Topic: Gsr/evo 1,2,3 wind deflectors?

30 March 2018 - 04:24 AM

Has anyone dealed with the site "Mudah" ? They seem to have heaps of parts for the evos.

In Topic: Gsr/evo 1,2,3 wind deflectors?

29 March 2018 - 01:06 AM

Cheers for the tips. Just looked em up on eBay. Couldn’t find any? Unless they stopped making the after market ones?

In Topic: 762GTP on a 2.3

28 March 2018 - 11:20 PM

Spoke to GTpumps. Looks like this turbo can make around 350kws atw. Not bad for a stock frame. That’s on a 2.3 I should add and on big boost.

In Topic: just got myself an RVR 7 bolt.

14 January 2018 - 10:52 AM


In Topic: Converting 250kws ATW to HP ATM

03 December 2017 - 09:50 AM

Evo 8 and 9 are same except for 9s mivec that will give you a bit more combined with 9s turbo that pushes a bit further than 8s
7s have not as strong rods as 8&9 and I snapped mine when I was pushing around 240kw on stock 2.0l and E85 but it happened because I've pushed it in 5th gear and rods couldn't hold that much torque.
I still don't know why I've done it but I had a plans for forged stroker so it made me actually build one.

. Sorry about that I meant to say 9 turbo. And yes I know a guy who blew his Evo due to hitting it in 5th gear as well.. way to much stress/torque. I never do high speed runs where I'll have to use 5th gear anyway. Mainly 2nd and 3rd gear pulls.