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Member Since 28 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2018 05:14 AM

Looking for Evolution 3 OZ racing wheels

02 July 2018 - 01:43 PM

Hey guys, I’ve been looking for evo 3 rims for while now. No luck what so ever. Anyone know where I could get them from? If not what the closest looking rim is.

Cheers 👍

Looking for a gsr cc lancer

27 May 2018 - 11:28 AM

Hey guys, not sure if I can post this in the section about items for sale.
I’m looking for a good condition gsr cc in the Sydney region. Preferably a 4g93t as I’m willing to spend 10k max. Feel free to shoot me a PM.
Cheers 👍

Where to get USDM evo 9 mr headlights?

29 April 2018 - 08:04 AM

Looking for a USDM evo 9 MR headlight. My 8MR had them on when I bought it. The previous owner bought them somehow. The passenger side light is damaged and I need a replacement. Anyone know where I can get them online? Cheers 👍

Gsr/evo 1,2,3 wind deflectors?

28 March 2018 - 11:22 PM

I’ve seen a couple gsrs going around with wind deflectors on them. Can’t find any on the net anywhere. Not sure if they put after maket deflectors on or not. Can anyone clear this up? Thanks.

762GTP on a 2.3

21 March 2018 - 08:09 PM

Hey guys, thinking of getting this stock frame GTpump evo 3 16g 762 turbo on my 2.3 stroker that's getting built. Anyone used it on a 2.3? Haven't heard much about it. Here's the link for the turbo and dyno run. http://store.gtpumps...i-td06h-762gtp/