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Member Since 01 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 11 2018 12:29 PM

EVO 6 to the Snow (Mt Bulla) Good Idea or...?

12 September 2017 - 11:34 AM

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to see if anyone had experience driving up snowy mountains? I've never driven in the snow or been to Mt Bulla so just wanting some advice before I commit to driving. I have an option of not driving and taking a mates 4wd, but thought it could be Fun to see the ayc and AWD capibilty of the 6 :)

I know these are rally cars and meant to be driven in the snow but yea I more so just want advice and to understand how difficult (if at all) it will be... if it's better to save the Evo the pain of the brutal weather or if you think it's fine then what sort of preperation / checks I should do before hand.


Peninsula Cruise - This Sunday 11am (Beach Road)

28 June 2017 - 12:54 AM

Hi Guys,


I am speaking to a few people on 'Club Evo Melbourne' FB page about a cruise this weekend. 


Got a few people interested (At least 3 black evo 6's :P) so let me know if your keen. 


This Sunday - Exact details to be confirmed

Meeting: Thinking of meeting at the Frankston foreshore car park at 11am

Cruise: Driving down to Mornington and then along the windy beach road to Mt Martha

Photo & Lunch in Mt Martha. 


Would be great to see you there catch up!

Max Wheel Size - EVO 6

22 May 2017 - 11:33 PM

Hi Guys,

I've been told mixed things about the preferred sizes / max rim size you can fit. The purpose of my Evo is to be driven so I don't want it slammed & scrapping guards etc.

I have found some perfect Enkei RPF1's that are 17x9.5+18 with NS2R semi's that I like but assuming they'll be to wide?

Is 17x8.5's the max? I have Evo 7 rims on at the moment.


What lifters should i get?

21 March 2017 - 07:21 AM

So just wondering what lifters people use?

I need new ones so going to order some online. Damn 4g tick!


My New EVO 6 :)

16 March 2017 - 06:53 AM

Hey everyone,
New to the forum but thought id post a few picks of my new ride / first evo.
A friend said to me that when you drive one you'll never go back and after 24 hours i see what he means :D
Anyways let me know your thoughts and if anyone knows a good evo tuner in Victoria, Aus please pm me!