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Member Since 06 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2019 07:35 AM

#338478 97 RVR hsg.

Posted by TRD_4age on 20 August 2017 - 06:55 AM

Well picked up another rvr hsg to add to the collection. This is number 5. 4 of which we still own.

Bought this not long ago. Was owned by the original importer (who also imported around 300 rvr cars into Aus).

Was really suprised on how clean this car was. Both inside and out. Done 139k only 70k since in aus in 07.

As all RVRs have. There are some problems. The dreaded auto slipping and leaky valve stem seals (only a issue when car is left for more then 2 days) im not fussed about this as i got a engine thats already getting built as i type this. Only other issue is the right tie rod end needs replacing soon.

My plans for this are pretty out there as ive had 2 previously registered ones to make a build plan from. Overall plans are to have a stable 500-550awhp daily driven car by the end of it. So all sound deadener and stereo will remain. Aircon will always work, as i like my cold air haha

Short term:
Rebuild auto box and add external trans cooler.
Replace rad with a manual one.
Replace tie rod ends and rebuild rack.
Scrape out roof sealant and treat roof and add tar based underbody paint to the roof.
General service of all fluids.

Long term goals:
Get 2.3L stroker build finished off
Haltech sprint ecu
Rear evo brembo claipers
Sort out evo brembos for the front
Coil overs
Fuel system to support 600hp
Polly engine mounts with engine stabilizer strut.

Apart from that just some nice rims. Don't wanna change the outside at all really. As i know rust always gets these car. I haven't got rust on mine neither has my parter with her rvr.

Attached Thumbnails

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