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Member Since 11 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2017 06:08 AM

#336100 Odd. Thought I been here already.

Posted by Grey_Ghost on 11 March 2017 - 03:16 AM

How have I missed creating an account here?

Anyway, I'm Gav. I'm in Victoria. I've been in the scene for, um, a while.

In the shed, I've got a Galant Sigma hardtop sedan. I have a Legnum VR4 as the family wagon.

I needed another car, as I was putting too many kilometres on the VR4, and having the double whammy of the nearest 98 is the next town over. So I went car shopping. I had a set of criteria. Found something that fulfilled it. Though I really wasn't aiming for a third JDM Mitsubishi...

It's a 1993 4D68 turbodiesel RVR!