My RVR needs a new home,
It was hit from behind at traffic lights at low speed by a Hyundai Excell so has some rear damage, the towball has been pushed under the bumper bar, no chassis rail damage was found by the panel beater but car it was unable to be fixed because they couldn't source the replacement panel/ bumper bar.
Vehicle has not been written off, still registered and drives fine, easy fix for someone who can find parts..
It has been a great car, some rust spots in roof and peeling of clear coat on bonnet, 3 into 2.5 mandrel bent exhaust and Bov, 16' alloys, 246000kms replaced timing belt 200k.
Can send pics if interested
Cheers Nick
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Member Since 16 Mar 2017Offline Last Active Jan 31 2018 11:13 AM