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Just recently picked one of these up in the last month or 2. Paid $6.5k delivered with rwc and rego in Qld. 155k km on the oddo 5spd manual HSGR. Invidia exhaust recirc bov running 14psi. Starting to rust in the roof which will be the next job on the list unfortunately (Anyone know if a full skin is available anywhere?)
Sorry to revive such an old thread, however it was pinned so here we go,
I've purchased the vag-com cable and done the mod. Car goes into Diagnostics when hooked up, However when I run evo scan it states 1.3u cable not detected try 2.0 config. Which also does not work. (Evoscan 2.9)
Running windows 10 on a netbook laptop. I was getting FTD2xx.dll errors prior but fixed that up.