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Member Since 22 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2018 02:43 AM

In Topic: Tuning SAFCII in 4g92sohc with Custom turbo

11 July 2017 - 12:21 PM

Latest Update:

I changed SAFC II to SAFC NEO

everything is working smoothly

SAFC II = was defective as on the last part it went dead got stuck in Dec.Air Settings
SAFC NEO = Resolved all my issues

attain the main goal
Power with Fuel Economy

In Topic: Tuning SAFCII in 4g92sohc with Custom turbo

25 June 2017 - 03:54 PM

UPDATE: still fail with the current setup above.

going to try now BPV / Re-circulating setup if this will help avoid stalling in idle and low throttle

In Topic: Tuning SAFCII in 4g92sohc with Custom turbo

19 June 2017 - 12:18 PM

what happens if you pull the SAFCII out? on stock injectors? it should idle and free rev fine with out it as the table should have plenty of headroom to compensate for the turbo airflow. (obviously dont try load it up or go into alot of boost) although you could technically drive it and monitor AFRS since all airflow reading are done PRE turbo.

SAFCII out = all is good with AC Off.. but AC On its seems fine but A/C Economy mode "Amber" RPM is Erratic

Update as of 06/19/2017
SAFCII is working now
= minor choke on low throttle but with high throttle(pedal to floor) everything is working fine

390cc(DSM) low Impedance 
Grams 255LPH Fuel Pump
New Throttle Idle Speed Control Servo Kit
NGK BKR7E-11 Spark Plug

little to no hiccup (little more fine tuning needed on low throttle settings)

im glad that its now running while A/C is on. 


In Topic: Tuning SAFCII in 4g92sohc with Custom turbo

15 June 2017 - 08:50 AM

no i think you'll find that because of the size of your injectors you can't pull enough air value to result in a low enough injector setting. perhaps try the 310 cc n/a 4g93 injectors instead of the turbos 390's lower than 10:1 on regular is SUPER rich hell with the AFR's your getting you could run e85

your other option is to delete the SAFC and do what another guy did get a CAS from a dohc machine it to fit and run coil packs and a factory 4g93t ecu

im using 390cc Low Imp DSM injectors
im looking for 275cc or hopefully 310cc(but rare from my area)
common that can be found is 240cc, 390cc and 510cc(i got this 1 as well on stock from evo3)



something also just occured to me if the SOHC 4g92 is anything like the 4G93 sohc then the injectors are banked the ecu only realy sees 2 injectors and fires cylinder 1/4 together and cylinders 2/3 together so you are essentially pulsing those BIG 390's twice which is alot of fuel for that little engine to swallow. this further leads me to think you simply can't compensate enough fuel out

Recent Update:
we did a downgrade of injectors from 390cc to stock 182cc
tuned the safc2 but still gettings the "choked" behavior but as long the AFR reading doesnt hit 11 or 10. its tolerable
but if A/C is on. then again its "choking"

is my MAF449 has issues? or SAFC2 is so sensitive? 
would it help if i rewire and change to MAF609?

In Topic: Tuning SAFCII in 4g92sohc with Custom turbo

13 June 2017 - 01:19 PM

update with "choke behavior" after upgrading from SAFC1 to SAFC2

using an AEM AFR
and adjusting NE points 800 idle to -49%
AFR = 15.2
but in random during the "choke" occurrence the AFR drop to 11
this time its not stalling but still "choking"

if the AFR = 10 or more than that(10 is the lowest reading it can get) that's the time it stalls

additional information i'm still using Stock Fuel Pump when its still a 4g92NA

is it possible my Pump cannot compensate on the instruction given by SAFC2 to the ECU?

should change my pump to higher LPH?