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Member Since 22 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2018 02:43 AM

Tuning SAFCII in 4g92sohc with Custom turbo

11 June 2017 - 09:48 AM


My car has this specs
4g92sohc (cb4a)
390cc low impede injectors
TF035HM-13T(turbine and comp housing)
Manual turbosmart boost controller(+3 set)
External turbosmart wastegate

Previous piggyback system: safc dials(no issue aside that in rich in fuel)
Current piggyback system: safc2(prompt to upgrade to correct rich issue but getting idle to stall concerns)

My question is why my engine Stall even im getting good idle 780-880rpm as if its choking

Sensor type Karman
No knocking sensor

12 ne points set
800rpm -33L-30H
1000rpm -33L -30H
1800rpm -33L -30H
2200rpm -33L -30H
3000rpm -32L -29H
3600rpm -31L -28H
4000rpm -30L -27H
4600rpm -28L -26H
5000rpm -28L -26H
5600rpm -28L -26H
6000rpm -28L -26H
6600rpm -28L -26H

Throttle point 30Low 70High

Throttle 1.0%
Ne1 6.0%
Ne2 8.0%

Im complete out of options to check how to correct the idle-stall issue.

4G93T (Lancer RS 1994) + Newer Turbo

10 May 2017 - 10:01 AM


I would like to ask help and input which is better approach to upgrade my Stock Turbo from 4G93T (Lancer RS 1994)



Stock Turbo = TD04L-13G-5.0

Plan Upgrade to this Options which can you recommend better

Option1: TF035HM-12T-5.0

Option2: TD05HR-06-16B6 (EVO5 RS)

Option3: TD05HR-15GK2-9T (EVO7 GT-A)

i've read from this thread that I need to modify the exhaust manifold


additional upgrade Injectors to 510cc Low Impudence from EVO3

4G93T parts (OEM, Replacement)

16 April 2017 - 02:02 PM

I would like to ask help and input for the parts compatibility

I'm currently in an ongoing engine rebuilt of a stock 4G93T (CD5A)

Im from the Philippines and with very less information about 4G93T engines

Local mitsubishi dealers if i ask for
Main Bearings std
ConRod Bearings
Thrust Washer Bearings
Piston Rings 81mm std

They would say
4g92sohc/4g93sohc above items will fit right.

My question. Is it ok to used a 4g92sohc OEM/Replacement Parts in my 4g93T engine?

Thank you