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Member Since 22 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2017 08:04 AM

evo 5 reliable boost pressure

22 August 2017 - 08:38 AM

Is running 1.2bar on my Evo 5 (155,000km in every good nick, no issues leaks, all parts up to date and quality oils etc.)okay? 
Mods : 
Sinco aftermarket exhaust manifold
Tial (8psi spring, thinks its 32mm) Vband Wastegate (plumbed in)
Full turbo back 3inch exhaust, cat-less
Steel Intake and K&N filter 
Walboro aftermarket fuel pump 
HKS twin plate clutch 
Apexi AVCR boost controller (tuned for a nice 1.2bar B setting and 1bar A setting boost) + boost gauge 
Stock ECU

I live in NZ around quite nice cold air temps. Wondering if with my supporting mods it would be safe to run 17psi/1.2bar from anyone who has ran this setup before or any opinions or advice.