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Member Since 09 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2006 12:00 PM

Wanted ASAP plz help!

12 November 2006 - 12:21 PM

I lookin for the following parts to get my gsr on da road finally.

td05 turbo small or big 16g

4g93 manifold

Timing cover

the rear left hand side abs disc. i dun know wat exactly its called. its wat the sensor almost touches. them who have a spare will know wat i mean.

clutch master cylinder

i also have a HKS FCON piggy bak ecu which i am willin to swap.

Im in melbourne 0430 525 383( if u message me i will massage bak ASAP anytime) thanks


12 November 2006 - 12:12 PM

Any offers or swapages for a td05 turbo?

will concider swaping audio gear aswell?

WTB Turbo and timing belt cover

09 November 2006 - 05:32 AM

Im getting offline now.

If anyone im melb has an gsr or evo 1 - 3 turbo they want to sell could you call or message me on 0430 525 383 thanks.

I would like to get is ASAP.

also need the timing belt cover. if ayone hasd that tooo

WAnted: Manifold n turbo for 4g93

09 November 2006 - 04:15 AM

As its says.

a manifold and either a gsr turbo or an evo 1-3 watever dun bother me.

can pik up ASAP. please call me on 0430 525 383 as im hardly ever online .


Also got a r33 turbo for sale, nothing wrong with it just gotsa pout da mitsibishi turbp on for roadworthy perposes.