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noisy toy

noisy toy

Member Since 24 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 15 2018 11:50 AM

new guy from NQ

24 November 2017 - 07:37 AM

Hi all. i posted in the RVR area before intro, sorry. This site is an amazing wealth of info and advice, meant to keep proper protocol....

I have an RVR 4G63T AWD front cut. looking at putting it in to something. Looked at a 90 CB Lancer. C62 in the chassis number.

Neat little old lady car, not sure if is suitable? 

cheers, shane  

RVR in to CB?

24 November 2017 - 07:22 AM

Hi all. My first post here, awesome site. I have an RVR 4G63T AWD front cut. engine is on passenger side. I am looking at a 1990 Lancer 4 door, considering this car for an AWD conversion. I searched a few forums, sorry if this has been discussed before. My question is, is it a fairly straight forward conversion? I know the rear diff mounts will be a lot of work, but is the front part the same? Can i fit the RVR X-Member? Any tips much appreciated, or direct me to the right place.
cheers, shane