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Member Since 27 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2018 08:45 PM

In Topic: WTB Mitsubishi Rvr turbo manual

22 March 2018 - 11:20 AM

Will you then post another 20 threads on the things wrong with that / that you want to do, for that car too?

Man. I got to ask. Do you usually drink your dinner? Coz you have all the makings of a grumpy old man who hates the world and has oxygen tubes in your nose?

Or am I way off?

Moral to anyone out there. Don't be an ass. Forums are to share knowledge and express conversation. If your not interested in conversing, Don't log on.

And before you slam me about my questions being answered a hundred times before, my initial questions were searched before asked. Several times before asking I found the search function to not work. Follow up questions within conversation were to double check my understanding was correct.

How's that for a little light humour tonight fellas?

In Topic: WTB Mitsubishi Rvr turbo manual

22 March 2018 - 07:51 AM

Yeah I know... I know... I've had the motor replaced in mine and it's all good but I'd rather one what's it better Nick... To get mine up to standard would be a mission and lots more than it's worth... Lol

In Topic: WTB Mitsubishi Rvr turbo manual

22 March 2018 - 06:21 AM

So I've decided to go back and get an rvr... Anyone know of a good example...manual...

In Topic: WTB Mitsubishi Rvr turbo manual

28 February 2018 - 11:24 PM

I've decided to throw in a second hand motor into mine so won't be needing the car anymore. Sorry to waste your time guys.

In Topic: WTB Mitsubishi Rvr turbo manual

27 February 2018 - 09:29 AM

Man... your 2 months tooooo late!


Yeah mate I saw that. I've just blown my motor so I'm working on buying another one... Mine is not in good shape and I'd rather a better example to put my time into mine... So basically if I can't find d one I. The next week or so I'll have to look into rebuilding mine:(