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Member Since 11 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active May 30 2019 09:10 AM

Nick's SSG RVR

11 November 2018 - 07:55 AM

G'day guys! Long time user of the forum but first time poster  :ph34r:

Thought it might be worth starting a build log for my 95 SSG :)
I currently also own a Galant VR4 that I have had for a while now, but it has started to become a bit of a garage queen.. so it was time to find something else to do up as a bit of a daily/project. I conned my sister into buying a N/A auto HSG for her first car and fell in love (with the shape, not the N/A 4g63 :P ) So I found the closest/cheapest RVR I could find:



Complete with an engine that had not been started in years with everything disconnected and sitting in the back..  :wacko:

It did however, still have everything I needed to be able to put it all back together plus some little brand new bits such as HKS adjustable cam gears and a shiny TD04 manifold (that I later ditched) so I got to work!

Long story short:
I ended up getting it all back together to find some of the valves were stuck and I couldn't get the car started - No compression whatsoever in Cyl 3 and 4 :( So the head came off and was reconditioned by PLR in Brendale. I put it all back together with new OEM timing stuff and got it all moving to find that everything else I hadn't yet touched was failing. Pretty sure every rubber part that was on this car was the same part from 200,000ks ago  :thumbsdown: But I started to get real keen on the idea of a little sleeper. Something I didn't have to worry about dinging or getting scratched that I could still have a bit of fun with and confuse some people.. which is where it all came undone a bit haha

I'm gonna get a bit of a list together with some pics to follow shortly  :)